Friday, November 20, 2009

Turn it off! Turn it off!

There seem to be a lot of posts out there (I'd link, but don't feel like making the effort today) mentioning celebrities that you (a general you, not necessarily YOU specifically, unless you've written one or more of these posts) like, love, admire and/or would sleep with given the opportunity despite any existing relationship. I even wrote a post like that the last time I posted. So today I am doing something a little different. Today I will list those celebrities who simply, by the virtue of their existence, annoy the hell out of me. To the point that I would rather stick hot needles in my eyes than spend one second seeing these folks on TV or hearing them on the radio. The ones that make me close my eyes, cover my ears and yell, "Turn it off! Turn it off!" So, in no particular order, the celebrities (that I can think of at this moment) that annoy me:

Tyra Banks - HATE her for no particular reason. I don't know her. I just can't stand to look at her or hear her talk.

Celine Dion - I have seen or heard her where I didn't run screaming from the room, but only once, and I think I may have had too much to drink and been incapable of running or screaming coherently.

Mariah Carey - NEVER seen or heard her when I didn't run screaming from the room (in my head, I wouldn't want to make a spectacle of myself), though I am CONSIDERING making an exception to see that movie Precious.

Dr. Phil - Self-righteous pompous jackass who makes an awesome living spouting advice that amounts to nothing more than common sense.

Kate Gosselin - The hair. I just can't get past the hair. Also, she makes up more words that don't actually exist than our old pal George W.

There are more, but I can't think of them right now because Amy is now screaming that I MUST attend to the fact that SHE IS FINISHED WITH HER POPCORN. I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do about that, but I should go find out. In the meantime, what celebrities make you want to vomit and/or scratch your eyes out?


Swistle said...

Oh! Oh! I KNOW I have some! But can't think of them!

Anonymous said...

I agree with each and every one of these. I wish I could think of those I'd like to add to the list but my mind is blank. (what else is new?)

Shelly said...

I agree with all of these. Who would I add???? Hmm...Robert Pattinson (eww, take a shower), Kristin Stewart, Stephenie Meyer (I'm sensing a theme here...)

Mary O said...

I so agree with you!

ellipses said...

I was going to nominate Robert Pattinson, but Shelly beat me to it. Eeeewww is all I must say. John Mayer annoys me also, he seems like such a pompus jackass.

the cubicle's backporch said...

OMG- Tyra is horrible! From her 'your life is over, you're not a model' face on America's Next Top Model to her talk show (While I was unemployed, I tried to watch it twice and couldn't. It's just THAT BAD.)

Sarah said...

Haha. First I just have to say that I totally related to the part about your three year old yelling for you because her snack was gone. Addy does that every time she eats- I think she believes I'm some kind of maid, albeit an affectionate one, and that my honest-to-goodness JOB is to fetch her food and then clear her dishes. Still working on correcting that bit of misinformation...
Anyways, my top can't stand him celebrity is... Kevin Bacon. For real. He makes me shudder.

Jess said...

I LOVE what you say about Dr. Phil. No mincing words there!

secret agent woman said...

I can't say that I care enough about any celebrity to run from the room, but I do loathe Dr. Phil. I detest him from a professional standpoint, and wish he'd shut his yap and just go away.

My run-from-the-room reactions are triggered by the Limbaughs and O'Reilly's of the world, and also by GWB and Palin. Gads.