Tuesday, July 8, 2008


I want to apologize to anyone who has my old blog still in their reader and saw a bunch of posts pop up. I reposted some empty posts today. You can ignore them and delete that blog from your reader. I posted my absolutely final post there today. I am still working on my transfer for this week. Hopefully I'll have them posted today sometime.


LoriD said...

Man, moving even sucks in the virtual world.

Fiona Picklebottom said...

Yes, it does.

Alice said...

i did see those other posts this morning... gah, i'm sorry you have some vindictive people in your life. glad you found another (hopefully) safe haven, though...

moo said...

hopefully it will be all done now and you can move on.

Jess said...

I'm glad you have a nice, safe new space and I hope that bored Googlers don't come a-callin.