I took Jo and Beth to get haircuts this morning. They both wanted to go shorter than what they had been wearing for the past year or so. This was a HUGE relief to me with Jo, as brushing her long curly hair was becoming increasingly irritating, what with all the screaming because of the tangles. HOWEVER, cutting curly hair is DANGEROUS, as it springs up much shorter than you would expect. So after emphasizing repeatedly that we wanted shoulder-length WHEN IT WAS DRY, I let the stylist have at it. I did talk Jo out of going back to bangs. She wanted to because Meg had gone back to bangs about a month ago and had a really cute haircut. I couldn't help but think that it would be a mistake and then we'd have to go through the HELL of growing them out again. Anyway, she ended up with a really cute haircut:

It actually doesn't look very curly in the picture; you'll just have to trust me on that.
Beth has the exact OPPOSITE of curly hair. She decided to get a little bob, but has also decided that it is TIME FOR ME TO EXPERIENCE BANG-GROWING HELL YET AGAIN, so though her hair was cut, her bangs were not, leaving her looking a bit... unfinished, but still cute:

Amy decided that she MUST WEAR SWIMMING GOGGLES today. Everywhere. So she wore them to get the other girls' haircuts, where I must've said, "Yeah, she won't take them off," a million times in response to "cute goggles" comments. Unfortunately, I didn't get a picture, as she DID finally take them off when we got home, but here is a picture of what she insisted on wearing all day a couple of days ago:
Cute haircuts. Amy is a lot like my Maggie. She'll insist on wearing something like goggles or a crown. She loves the attention, even though she gives anyone who comments the cold shoulder.
Okay, your kids are just ridiculously cute. Also, I can't believe how different their hair is.
If you didn't brush Jo's hair, I bet it would be a lot curlier. I used to brush my hair and it looked like that. Now I just comb it when it's wet and leave it be and it's much curlier. Though I still think brushing is more important than curls when they're that young.
I LOVE the bob! And the helmet. OBV.
Your girls are all so pretty.
And that helmet pic cracks me up. Last summer, my best friend's daughter insisted on wearing her rain boots and winter coat to play outside – in JULY.
I love the haircuts!
haircuts are too cute! And that helmet (helmut? helmit no helmat NO Jesus, why is this word so hard for me today? anyway) ... PRICELESS.
Have you tried using a spray on detangler for the curls? You spray it on dry hair and it's easy to comb out the tangles. The bonus is that you can then scrunch the ends a little bit to get a bounce to the curl.
yay haircuts! i got one too! mine isn't nearly as cute, though!
The bob is gorgeous! Your girls are BEAUTIFUL!
Word on the curly hair thing. Your daughters look ADORABLE. and my son has the same fixation on wearing weird things. He wore his swim goggles for a whole day last week, even with no apparent opportunity for swimming.
You mean, you actually have children that don't run screaming at the sight of hair shears? What a concept.
My son has wavy hair, and it is the devil to cut. Of course, if he would sit still for longer than, say, two seconds, it might make things a tad easier.
Sigh...I can only help my daughter will be easier. That's assuming she's ever going to grow any hair.
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