Monday, August 18, 2008

Day 1, Revisited: My ass. Still kicked.

On Friday, I executed the first day of my exercising and healthy eating plan, in that I got up a 5am and completed (barely) Level 1 of Jillian Michael's 30-Day Shred DVD. You can read about that experience (if you haven't already) here. That was supposed to be Day 1, then Saturday would have been Day 2, Sunday Day 3, etc. Well, as Friday went on, I discovered that lowering myself to the toilet so I could pee was a bit painful for my thighs, as was walking DOWN stairs (I had to lean heavily on the wall). This led me to believe that perhaps I wouldn't be able to do the same workout on Saturday morning. I was oh so right.

I rolled out of bed on Saturday morning not without difficulty. I had muscles hurting that I didn't even know EXISTED. People talk about the core muscles. Well, Saturday morning, I could have pointed out EVERY SINGLE FREAKING ONE. The only parts of my body that I could move without discomfort were my fingers and toes (and I hope Jillian Michaels never reads this, because if she does, I'm sure she'll remedy THAT in her next DVD, since she likes to work both the BIG muscles and the SMALL muscles SIMULTANEOUSLY). On the bright side, it was that good, achy, I did something good for myself kind of hurt. On the not so bright side, it being a good hurt didn't change the fact that I was incapable of a real workout Saturday morning. I compromised with a little treadmill action. Sunday was a repeat of Saturday.

So today, although still a bit sore, I did the workout again, and I am starting over. TODAY is Day 1. Not last Friday. Today. And my ass is still kicked, though not nearly as badly. I think I'll be able to continue with day 2 tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

You've just about sold me on this DVD. I need something that'll make my thighs burn. I used to do squats when I worked out and I remember the feeling of not being able to squat down quite well. Hmm...

Anonymous said...

Wow, that sounds temtping, but I honestly enjoy walking without feeling like I've been run over by a Mack truck.

Besides, if I want that sore all over feeling, I can just take one of my hounds for a jog in bunny country.

Keep up the good work--for both of us!

Susiewearsthepants said...

You brave, brave woman! How selfless of you to try out this video before the rest of go out and get it. I think I will need to follow your experience a little bit longer. You know, I wouldn't want to rush into making a purchase like that :)

Jess said...

Hm. Perhaps some nice meds will help with this. Tylenol Extra Strength Rapid Release?

Alice said...

that's awesome! well done you!

i'm nearly sold on this dvd too. maybe i should hurry up and get it while i'm still roommate-free...?