Wednesday, August 6, 2008

OUR children's utensils have more fun than YOUR children's utensils

What? Don't YOU keep a slide in your kitchen? No? Then how do you expect your forks to frolic?


LoriD said...

I love the way she approaches the task like a job! No giggles, barely a smile. Awesome!

Fiona Picklebottom said...

LoriD - She does say, "Whee," every time she pushes one down, but not, "WHEE!!!" just, "whee." She did this for over an hour - after she finished sliding all the utensils, she put them all back in the drawer (I have to get them all out and wash them now, but it was worth it to have her entertain herself for a while) and then did it all again.

Alice said...

hee... this is awesome. i love how methodical she is :-)

Amelia Sprout said...

Yeah, the seriousness is the best part. That and based on the pile at the bottom, she did start with the metal ones first, since they would obviously go down better, being heavier and all.

Susiewearsthepants said...

I am hoping that since you came by and commented, that I can add your blog to my faves? MMMM. Can I, can I?
The video is really cute. When she was grabbing the fork, it was almost as if she were giving it a quality control test to see if it was worthy of the slide.

Fiona Picklebottom said...

Susie - Yes, of course you can.

Anonymous said...

No, no slide in the kitchen. The slide in our dream house will be next to the stairs leading to the second floor. ;-) (yes I'm completely serious)

Anonymous said...

Wow, she's so serious about it!