Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Some old stuff

I've been meaning to do another Buncha Books post, because the number of books I've read and not reviewed is becoming overwhelming. Doing one of those posts after so much time has passed takes a while (I really should review as I go and set up a once-a-month Buncha Books issue thing.), so I've decided to transfer a couple more posts from my old blog here over the next few days. One is a post that was really difficult for me to write, as it is about a time when one of my children faced a potentially deadly disease. Since the illness is rare, I think it's important to get information out there when possible, so I have decided to re-post it despite it's lack of entertainment value. I will also, when I am done with my Buncha Books post, be adding a link in the sidebar to the Kawasaki Disease Foundation's website like I had up at my old blog. The other posts I'll transfer to fill out the time haven't yet been decided upon, but they'll probably involve some of the random info about me (because it is OH SO INTERESTING) and a fun meme or two.


LoriD said...

I remember that post about your daughter and Kawasaki Disease. I disagree... it has great entertainment value in that it's so interesting and your experience was scary. I'm looking forward to reading it again.

Anonymous said...

Kawasaki disease? I don't think I've ever heard of it, so your post will be a learning experience for me.

And yay for random facts about Fiona Picklebottom! :)